
オスロの歴史博物館 オルハン・パムクの展覧会 Oslo historical museum - Orhan Pamuk's exhibition


In the Oslo Museum of History, a special exhibition called the Art of Fiction by Turkish artist Orhan Pamuk was held.



Orhan Pamuk is a leading Turkish novelist and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006.

A variety of items, such as picture diaries written by Orhan Pamuk on his travels, photographs from his youth, and novels by Pamuk were exhibited.


Orhan Pamuk's novel has read my name, Crimson, but I am impressed with the fun of the historical mystery surrounding the death of a fine painter.

トルコを旅行する際は、パムクが自分の少年時代を描いた、イスタンブール 思い出とこの町、という作品も読んだ記憶がある。


When I traveled to Turkey, I remember reading Pamuk's work about Istanbul and memories of his boyhood.

It was reminiscent about one aspect of the up-and-coming Turkish modern history and how it made the impression of a boy in the city of Istanbul.


In Oslo, a city that continues to travel in Scandinavia, I felt mysterious when I felt that my memories of visiting Turkey gradually revived.

(Translated by Google Translate)

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